I looked after my niece today and we were lucky enough to be invited to a beautiful farm where they had not only some foals but just look what else. Awwwwwww.
This lovely lady is called Kara and she's a Kerry blue terrier. She's 7 years old and has just had her first litter of babies. She's the friendliest, most gentle dog I've met for a long time, and looks very proud of herself :-)
This lovely lady is called Kara and she's a Kerry blue terrier. She's 7 years old and has just had her first litter of babies. She's the friendliest, most gentle dog I've met for a long time, and looks very proud of herself :-)
Loooook, aren't they just gorgeous! 6 weeks old and with very sharp teeth and claws but adorable all the same
This little foal is only 2 days old and still a bit wobbly, and although I'm not a horsey person, I was very brave and said hello to Mum at close range.
A lovely way to spend an hour or so, and my niece was beside herself with happiness. Bless her.
Before we went out today, Rachel has been watching & helping my Mum make some lemon curd and wanted to have a go at something different. Ta dah! We give you .... lime curd. The little taste I had earlier was delicious. Pity I can't eat bread but I'm sure I'll find something to slather it on to.
Just to annoy Lizzie, here are some raspberry and white choc muffins and some much healthier oat, apricot & pecan cookies.
Sad news now. My old girl has finally been consigned to scrap heaven. I was very sad to see her go as she's been my faithful companion for 20 years, but she was starting to wreck my shoulder with her heavy steering, and bits were starting to drop off/go rotten. Sniff.
Still, I have a fab little new car which I'm learning to love and for the first time ever I've named a car, and my new companion is called Snowdrop. (I'm losing the plot again aren't I?)
Finally....I had the most evil migrainey headache last weekend and seriously thought I was hallucinating when I looked out of the window and saw a large chicken walking past. It then skateboarded past the other way. On closer inspection, it turned out to be one of the kids over the road trying to film tricks on his skateboard - quite why he did it dressed as a chicken I've no idea, but it was hilarious to watch :-)
Other than all that, I've been attacking those "squares" for the charity blanket. Nearly there now, but the box they're in is like the Tardis. I keep thinking I've finished but they seem to be multiplying. Once I've finished tidying them up, I've got to work out how to put them all together.....it could be a while, lol.