Sunday, May 9, 2010

That Blanket

After a long time, I've finally done what I can with those squares that were knitted by various people, including children, for a charity blanket. It's been a challenge to say the least - all different sizes/tensions/definitions of "square". There were 100 of them in the end and I've crocheted round each one, sewn in all the ends, and produced 1 of 2 blankets.

Can't say as it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, but I've done what I can with what I was given. I sewed them all together first making a flat seam and then I've oversewn along the front of the seams to try to tidy it up a bit more.
Oh well, one blanket down, one to go!
This is it in its unpressed state - somebody else is going to take responsibility for that!

My youngest niece had a birthday recently and whilst she was at my house, she played around with some wool and designed a little pouch she'd like made (she was hoping for an i-Phone, but it didn't happen - she just got a pouch, lol). Happy to oblige, I faffed and made her this - it's about 11cm x 8 cm if I remember rightly. I filled it with little packets of seed beads she'd asked for (all wrapped individually) just for a bit of interest :0)

And that's me for a while - instructions from the osteopath to take time off from the computer etc are being followed - I'm off to lounge about under a tree in Portugal for a little while. Bye for now!
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Sarah - Red Gingham said...

Well we must do as the Dr says! You can blame madam for your neck afterall!! Oh do have a lovely time away, we will miss you.

I have to say you did wonders on that jolly blanket. Still not pretty but a huge improvement. I can't believe you now have to start over with the other one! Poor poor Jo. That little pouch is cute. Funny about the phone!

Have a great relaxing time Jo!

Croap Queen said...

I can indeed blame madam for a bad neck, Sarah. LOL. Not that a week of evenings away from the computer has helped much, but don't tell her that. Shhhhh.

Definitely not a pretty blanket, but glad you think it's an improvement :-)
I'll miss you too! See you soon
JJ x

Lululiz said...

Hmmm, and what madam would you be talking about then???
Lankie is looking somewhat better, just about as good as it could get with what you were given. Well done, I would have given up on it weeks ago.


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